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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-01-2025, 02:43 PM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Originally Posted by Stevebexk View Post
Hi bros….
Anyone know if TT is back?
I prefer her over MM….

Thank you in advance
yes both i tried around 3 times each and i prefer TT still. From what her wechat mentioned is see you after cny. But ever since she rtc she nv reply wechat msg at all.
Old 03-01-2025, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by lin90 View Post
yes both i tried around 3 times each and i prefer TT still. From what her wechat mentioned is see you after cny. But ever since she rtc she nv reply wechat msg at all.
Is MM around? Or is away. No reply from her
Old 05-01-2025, 11:29 AM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Remember to WhatsApp only.

Originally Posted by Innocentfirst View Post
Is MM around? Or is away. No reply from her
Old 06-01-2025, 05:32 PM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Hi , new here
Old 08-01-2025, 01:38 PM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Bro can know her rates. Thanks.

Originally Posted by exchange123 View Post
No need for introductions. She isn’t new and many bros have visited her before. But still came across a couple of threads looking for squirter MM. Those interested can WhatsApp (8589 5597).

Last edited by gjlow; 08-01-2025 at 05:28 PM.
Old 15-01-2025, 09:58 AM
megaman11 megaman11 is offline
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Paid a visit to MM at the start of the year.
Was an impromptu booking she responded fast and immediately head down to meet her.
This was my 2nd visit and true enough her standards have not dropped a single bit. In fact it was more exciting than my first visit even though I did not tell her that this is my 2nd time. Got the chance to try 69 her vertically on the sofa and boy she really can flex. Moved to the massage bed and experienced her AR. She poked real deep and will make you moan hard. She squirted 3-4 times and beware you will be drowned. Got back into 69 again and at the end cummed in her mouth. After which she will use hot and cold water to clean your small head. Overall great service, you can literally let her do everything on autopilot mode and you will leave satisfied. Looking forward to visit her again soon.
Old 16-01-2025, 09:57 PM
Lurker45 Lurker45 is offline
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Finally have a chance to visit this legendary lady and really as what were describe by many bros here.

Only comment is that its not squirt but is downright golden shower/pee.
If you are someone who has fetish for golden shower, she can fulfil your fantasy.
I have my fun from her today, she pee on me several times, on my face, chest, cock. She even suck on my cock after she pee on. Thats nasty n kinky

Note: there are some argument if you google, that squirt n pee are 2 different things, depend which website u research on
Old 18-01-2025, 10:50 AM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

No need for introductions. She isn’t new and many bros have visited her before. But still came across a couple of threads looking for squirter MM. Those interested can WhatsApp (8589 5597).

Originally Posted by omnomnomnom View Post
Tried MM today, all the previous FRs speak for themselves, but I'd like to add my own 2 cents too.

Her catbath, AR and teasing were one of the best I've ever had, and her BBBJ was good as well, with no feeling of teeth which is great, because I get turned off by teeth during BBBJs. She also has a cheery personality and a great sense of humour, treat her well and she will give you the ultimate best service.

Her playability was simply amazing, it's the highest I've ever gotten in my close to 4 years of chionging. I roamed all over her, zhut zhut on her boobs, gave her a good painting, and frenched her as well. The entire experience felt like I'm experiencing a JAV video in real life, it was just incredible. Of course do take note that this is all dependent on chemistry but I believe that you can never go much wrong with her.
Originally Posted by Janker View Post
FR for MM

Had the pleasure of having a session with MM recently.

Location is well hidden, for bros not familiar with the area might take a while to find it, but not to worry, detailed instructions are given right to the doorstep, and that heavy iron gate!

The room is pretty small, but cozy and clean, with a small attached shower area.

As for the lady, MM is very friendly and pleasant looking, with big eyes, sweet smile, with curves at the right spots, and wow those nice firm boobs to keep our hands busy.

Opted for the AR package (there’s a cup of warm water nearby, that comes in handy during the session ). MiuMiu is all sensual and teasing when she starts the session with a B2B, which follows on with a nice cat bath all over the body, and eventually focuses all her attention on the AR with her amazing tongue skills. Half way through, she gently slides underneath and takes the lil bro all in with a solid BBBJ. Finally, got into 69 and unloaded every single drop in her mouth.

Thanks TS for this great sharing.
Originally Posted by aosien View Post
Now that i have tried both of them, i would say their skill, GFE and attitude levels are on par. Definitely top tier for me. Given these, my overall preference would be MM mainly due to her looks and boobs. Love that side profile when she is lying beside me licking my nipples.
Originally Posted by telegram View Post
I took all the comments about MM with a pinch of salt but was I wrong.
I never knew I could paint until a lady squirts. What an eye-opener. She was spraying all over my nose, face, mouth, I was literally choking on her cum.
She even timed for us to cum together, what a pro.

I was blown away. Pun intended.

P.S. I won't bother sharing her contact. It is already shared in this forum, take your time to read the other threads.
Originally Posted by elvin9965 View Post
Thanks you info.
Last night I try MM really squirt like waterfall.
Originally Posted by newswing View Post
It has been awhile since I had someone squirt on me
Cheryl is always booked during weekends..
so I turn to Meow Meow.

Had MM a few weeks ago, she was wet. I can't rememberif she squirt
but hell she did yesterday!!
she knew that I like
upon entering I feast on her pussy.. hoping she will get wet asap..
go for a quick wash and back to her pussy.
I love her BBBJ and AR
she will make eye contact and kiss u will doing bbbj..
As for AR - she's playful. lick and poke your ass cause she knows u like it!
She doesn't allow u to finger her ass but I managed to do that, like about 3 cm into her white butt. she love it now!

As for the squirt, it was twice or is it thrice!
eat her and play her pussy, pat the pus

sy till it showers
use my small vibrator....she squirts into my face ( she was sitting on my chest, legs spread... her pussy facing me!)
at the end of the session, I think she has the satisfied but tired look on her face
she feels refreshed...cumming so many times!

as for My cim, mouthfuck her...she open her mouth to show me the sperm, spit it out, with warm water she bbbj again...
Originally Posted by sanyo123 View Post
Had another session with MM and this lady can really bring it! Each time we meet up, it's always something different, which makes the experience even more exciting! I've lost track of the number of times I've seen her, but she always keeps things fresh. Just writing this makes me want to go see her again soon LOL.
Originally Posted by teapotkettleme View Post
havent posted for very very long...

but tried my luck on MM.... got an appointment...

damn it!!!!!

it was worth every fucking penny....

she is super bubbly... pretty...

and service wise... got to say... champion.....
Originally Posted by firex View Post
Was feeling it and decided to try TT or MM for the first time. Texted TT in the morning and she reply with a slot in the noon. Fast hand confirm. Reach location and given instruction to place. Enter room and everything seems alright till now. Friendly greetings etc etc. Saw MM siting in the living room back facing while going in. Ask to shower alone and I thought is this going to be a landmine? Boy IÂ’m so wrong after I shower and enter the room

I was in the room and suddenly TT start to jump on me. DFK, catbath, teasing. While doing all that, ask what package I would like. And ask if I would like Tarma with MM. never tried Tarma before and I hesitated. Continue to tease me and guarantee me satisfaction for Tarma. Small head took over and say ok, let unlock this achievement of mine, not knowing what going to happen.

Took me to a bigger room. Waited awhile siting on the couch. TT enter the room greet me 姐夫 and says ‘sis is not in, letÂ’s playÂ’. I was like wtf, role playing??? TT starts her PSE action. I totally forgotten MM should be in this with us. But suddenly MM come in and says how could you do thisÂ…Â…. without me. She joins in and things start to get messy, I was totally rape by them. They took full control over me asking me to sit, stand, bend, lay on bed. Says going to punish me for being naughty. All the PSE action and put up a lesbian act for me. I try to take control during this moment but damn, resistance is futile. MM push me on bed and demand me to eat her how she like it to be. While TT crawl up to me and grind her pussy on my dick. TT felt IÂ’m reaching my max and switch to mouth fast and furiously. I raise my white flag to her mouth soon. After that she clean me up with warm water using her mouth while MM is siting on me asking me not to stop. A moment later, she twitch and lie beside me.

While TT move out to wash up, MM was hugging me and I thought this is over. Boy IÂ’m wrong again. MM whisper to me and says not so fast for being naughty to her younger sis. Action starts again with all the PSE action with MM alone this time. She move down to hj me. TT suddenly came in and says 姐夫, how can start all this action without her. She jumps in and damn, I was again rape. Told them IÂ’m a one shot person and they didnÂ’t care. Put in all they have to make me cum. This time in MM mouth. MM clean me up with warm water with her mouth while TT hugging me with her boob in my face. Felt jellies so rested awhile before I head to shower, dress up.

While IÂ’m about to leave, the next lucky bro knock on the door. To avoid us meeting each other, MM pull me into a tiny room beside the door and turn off the light. She then starts to DFK me and rub my crotch. Felt a little shock. She say she suddenly feels excited like having an affair and husband is back and weÂ’re hiding. I laugh. And once coast is clear, I walk down the stair a happy man.

TT- small frame, slim, syt looking with teh voice. Boob natural B or C. Not an expert in this
MM- small frame, slight more meat than TT. But definitely not fat or plump. Boob feels enhance but who cares. Looks early Milf

Personally prefer MM looks more

RTF- hell yea!!! Going try individual next
Originally Posted by sanyo123 View Post
Had another session with MM and this lady can really bring it! Each time we meet up, it's always something different, which makes the experience even more exciting! I've lost track of the number of times I've seen her, but she always keeps things fresh. Just writing this makes me want to go see her again soon LOL.
Originally Posted by teapotkettleme View Post
havent posted for very very long...

but tried my luck on MM.... got an appointment...

damn it!!!!!

it was worth every fucking penny....

she is super bubbly... pretty...

and service wise... got to say... champion.....
Old 20-01-2025, 12:55 AM
riperoni69420 riperoni69420 is offline
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Originally Posted by Lurker45 View Post
Only comment is that its not squirt but is downright golden shower/pee.
If you are someone who has fetish for golden shower, she can fulfil your fantasy.
Bro she definitely squirts.

Maybe for your case she peed a bit, but having visited her around 3-4 times, I can confirm she is a profoundly gifted squirter lol.

If it's:
- Clear in colour (as opposed to yellow),
- Relatively tasteless (as opposed to salty/bitter),
- Explosive (as opposed to just lower velocity),

Then it's squirt rather than pee.
Old 20-01-2025, 08:08 AM
megaman11 megaman11 is offline
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Originally Posted by riperoni69420 View Post
Bro she definitely squirts.

If it's:
- Clear in colour (as opposed to yellow),
- Relatively tasteless (as opposed to salty/bitter),
- Explosive (as opposed to just lower velocity),

Then it's squirt rather than pee.
Agree with the above. It's was tasteless and no pee smell at least in my experience.
But I cannot rule out if she might have inserted a little squirt bag which she can activate it at will haha as she don't really allow us to poke and finger her pussy.
Old 20-01-2025, 10:55 AM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

from my experience with her … it’s definitely not pee.. probably squirt mixed with water.. tasteless and odourless..
Old 20-01-2025, 11:14 AM
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I've had the pleasure myself some time back when there were 2 to 3 ladies operating this particular service.

It was fun... Water went up nose during 69, because it wasn't a squirt , it was quite a gush.

As a returning customer, what's quite clear to me is... The squirt was odourless, colourless, interestingly, there was a hint of chlorine. I will leave it as that.

Service and experiences with MM and friends have always been good.

Originally Posted by TheTrader2359 View Post
from my experience with her … it’s definitely not pee.. probably squirt mixed with water.. tasteless and odourless..
Old 21-01-2025, 09:19 AM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Tried MM last Thursday, boy was i blown. She was wearing lingerie and can see her ass, proceeded to shower and the action starts in the room. She asked me to finger her while she lie down and said the her top part is very sensitive. I proceeded on it and we kept kissing, I felt dirty kissing (in a good way) her, her tongue action is no joke. After a while she squirted all over the floor. we proceeded on to the chair after 5 minutes and till now the kissing is still intense as ever. She asked me to sit and she sat on me. I continued to finger her and she squirted again on my legs. She have squirted a total of 3 times. She finally continue to suck my rod and the rest is history.Recommended for bros who want to experience squirting
Old 21-01-2025, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by paulcum2sooon View Post
I've had the pleasure myself some time back when there were 2 to 3 ladies operating this particular service.

It was fun... Water went up nose during 69, because it wasn't a squirt , it was quite a gush.

As a returning customer, what's quite clear to me is... The squirt was odourless, colourless, interestingly, there was a hint of chlorine. I will leave it as that.

Service and experiences with MM and friends have always been good.
Interestingly, how do they keep water in their pussies at will??
Old 22-01-2025, 10:06 AM
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Re: MM - Squirter with warm personality

Hi bros….

Anyone can share TT contact?
I had to delete awhile back….

Now back again….
So wanna contact her after CNY…

Any kind souls that can help…
Much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
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